March Monthly Update

I hope everyone has been keeping well and active during the lockdown. We are back to fencing this week with the normal level two procedures – Social distancing, no hand shaking, signing in on QR codes and using hand sanitizer on entry and exit. Lastly do not come to training if you are sick or awaiting results of a covid test.
Competitions – We had a busy month in February with competitions  the Bubble Ensemble and W Dawn kicking off for the year. Congratulations and great work to everyone that competed and put their hard work to the test.
I have attached to this email a competition calendar for the year. It is advised that you plan ahead and let me know which competitions you’ll be committing to and confirm this with your parents. This will allow us to work together to get you in the best condition to get the desired results.
Competition Results:
  • Bubble Ensemble
    • 2nd Aditya Mhaskar
    • 6th Rui Kerr
    • 10th Benedictus Anindityo
    • 11th Aiden Cramoy
    • 12th Rob Ogg
  • W Dawn
    • 1st Rory Ogg
    • 6th Aditya Mhaskar
    • 7th  Benedictus Anindityo
    • 8th Aiden Cramoy
    • 9th Rob Ogg
Upcoming Competitions:
Home training plan – Attached is a basic home training plan that I recommend you do two or three times a week to get you in best physical condition for your fencing. If you have any questions regarding this please let me know.
Club Membership – Membership fees are now due. Thank you to all those that paid early. If you haven’t already please fill out the form on the link below, once that is done the invoice will be sent through to you –
Fencing Equipment Orders – I will be placing another order from PBT Fencing in the next week or two, please see me if you are interested in ordering any gear.
Lastly a quote from Henry Ford  that can be applied to all competitions and training “Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right”.
I look forward to seeing you all back at training this week!